Friday, May 27, 2011

Watson Got A Haircut...Finally!

Those of you with dogs that require grooming know that it can get a little pricey. I finally bit the bullet and took Watson to the groomer today. The last time he has been groomed was August 2010 before the wedding. He was extremely shaggy and could hardly see because his bangs covered his eyes. They were so long I almost considered pinning them back with a bobby pin or clip, but decided he was too manly for that nonsense. So I took my $10 coupon (thanks to Jennifer) and kept reminding myself that he'd appreciate it with the hot weather that is to come.

Here are the before and after pictures.

We gave him a little fluff! Big hair is in, right?
Another pic of him and his scraggly self

 And after...

Oh, how handsome he is! He was so glad to be home after a stressful couple of hours. Glad I don't have to put him through that very often!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Welcome, Maggie and Lisa!

We added two members to the Hayden family. They are Russian dwarf hamsters. They are sisters, so Eric named them Maggie and Lisa from the Simpsons.

They are cute little things. Watson is a very big fan of them. He watches them carefully from below wishing he could get a closer look/taste making sure they are comfortable in their new home.

I honestly don't know which one is Lisa and which one is Maggie based upon these pictures. They do have different personalities. The "nice" one is Lisa. Maggie on the other hand is a little bit more hostile. She doesn't like to be held or touched...

Maggie or Lisa? 
I don't know. 
You can choose.

Again, Maggie or Lisa?
Your choice again.
They could be pictures of the same one!
Maybe one of these days I'll be able to tell them apart by just looking at them...