Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nashville Ghost Tour

The Kroger Pharmacy crew had a night out on the town. We began at Los Cebollas in Madison for some yummy Mexican food. Then, we all headed to downtown Nashville for our Ghost Tour. We started off at the Hermitage Hotel to hear about the ghost haunting the top floor.

We were then taken to the State Capitol and told to look in the tower to look for Andrew Jackson's wife. I took lots of pictures and watched the tower the whole time but I did not see Mrs. Jackson.

We were taken to the tomb of James K. Polk next to the Capitol. Lots of orbs there!

Our next stop was a Catholic church (St. Mary's, I believe) where they had hidden a soldier's body from being ransacked during the Civil War. They say the body is still there in the church.
This is the church's door. The bottom bright spot is from the flash on my camera, but the top one is "unexplainable".

Our second to last stop was in Printer's Alley. It was the Rainbow Room. Skull Schulman, the owner, was murdered one night in that club to later be found by a cigarette salesman that routinely came to Printer's Alley. The Rainbow Room is now closed and serves as a storage place for the nearby bars which employees have had creepy experiences when going to fetch some supplies.

The final stop was the Ryman Auditorium. It was formally a church giving a reason for the pews. Tom Ryman is said to still haunt the Auditorium to make certain the shows are moral. There have been many other ghosts and incidents reported in the Ryman.

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